Monday, November 10, 2014

Gaggle of Geese

Posted by Sarah

I was supposed to have this post written a few weeks ago but life had other ideas. Well, that’s not entirely true, the show New Girl and my lack of self-control have a little to do with it too. But, here it is! Even though my intro post is a little late, that doesn't mean I am not super excited about this blog; and by ‘super excited’ I mean super nervous about having the big scary internet know things about my life – like how I binge watch TV shows, but I guess that’s the point.

So, here is a little about me and my journey with singleness. I, like my sweet friends, love being single and also long for the day to be married. It’s a weird place to live, especially in the Christian community where singleness is typically considered a worse fate than the Bubonic Plague. Some days I agree with them but most days I wake up in the morning without thought to the fact that I am single but with a mind filled with possibilities of what the day might hold. It’s a paradox – wanting to be married but loving being single. I suppose that if I had to describe myself in one word it would be paradox. Another example: I am a loud, crazy, outgoing introvert. I love people and parties and speaking up front, but I get overwhelmed by too many people, I can only handle parties for a little while and I get super nauseous before getting up in front of people – paradox!

At this point you may be asking, “how do you survive everyday living a paradox?” Good question! Rachel, Jordyne and Laura have already alluded to it…but I will explain with three words: Gaggle of Geese. Ok, maybe I should use more than three words. Did you know that Geese are amazing animals? Not only do they mate for life but they live in flocks or gaggles. They are highly community based. They travel together and settle together. It’s a beautiful picture of doing life with friends and community. I have been so blessed to have a few extremely close friends that I share life with and I call them My Gaggle. My mom calls her group her Pack (think elephants), my roommate calls her group The Peeps (think sugary Easter marshmallow or, I guess, people!). These are people who you can call in the middle of the night, no questions asked. They know about your issues and they still love you. They may live thousands of miles away or they may be your next door neighbor but they do life with you each and every day.

That’s how I survive, not only survive, that’s how I thrive. God has given me a gaggle to do life with and it’s awesome. It’s messy, hard, painful and complicated for sure, but it’s also beautiful, fun, crazy and exciting as well. I am so excited to be able to share a small bit my life with you and I am even more excited to be able to do it with My Gaggle!

So, buckle your seat belts…here we go!

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