Its been a while since I posted, but I have lots to say. I've started this blog no less than 3 times and erased what I had to say. Sometimes, my mind and heart are not in good places and today its finally looking up to finish this. And I know we cover this subject quit a bit, but like the college we all went to, I'm just going to keep rehashing it until you all implement it into your life and heart. So here goes.
I am a youth group leader. I love being a youth group leader, I love mentor ship and I love multi-generational small groups (Thank you to those who accepted and cared for me during my college years, that was an amazing and trans formative time, you know who you are). Back to youth group, I have been doing it several years now and the one thing that has been so apparent to me is the fact that students and young people don't seem to know what community or the church really means and how it applies to their life. But they are trying desperately to find it whether through social media, television, clubs or even poor choices in their own life. I didn't understand it when I was their age ei
ther, so I can't blame them, but I also had an amazing family who taught me the basics and then amazing college that instilled it into me and then amazing friends and mentors who lived it out and taught me what it really means.
So here's what it means:
- Living a life free from secrets, somebody knows everything about you, cause then Satan has less of a foothold to do tragic work. Its scary knowing that other broken people hold a part of your heart and sometimes they don't treat it perfectly, but that is where the grace of Jesus restores both the people and the relationship.
- It means choosing to do uncomfortable things, like tell 14 year old girls you mentor at youth group -appropriate- but sometime vulnerable things.
- It means choosing to love people so much it sends you into an ugly cry every time you say goodbye, which is far too much, because each of you know you are where God has called you and that is unfortunately many miles apart.
It means so many things more...
All my stories are actually his and therefore I speak them, because someone needs to hear them, someone needs to see God through the Holy Spirit's story. Because the Holy Spirit is actually also in my Pack or flock or Community as well. He in some great mystery resides in all of us and binds our hearts together even from great distances. This is the great miracle, I am a glass house to expose whatever selfish sinful shenanigans myself or Satan is up to in my life but even better is to expose the world to God, which is only done through the church and through my community. Living your life as a glass house sounds a lot worse than it actually is and trust me its a rush!